Update 5-24-24: Perhaps I'm Overambitious

So, I've been working on the page for the Fi-Fi Plush, I wanted to give it a goofy/charming Build-a-Bear Workshop-esq aesthetic since that's what I'm nostalgic for. And to quote George Lucas, perhaps I went a little to far in some places. It's taken me alot longer to make this page than others, compounded by some IRL stuff

New Additions:

  • Created Spinning Fi-Fi Plush Gif
  • Landing Pages: Plush Fi-Fi's Workshop (PFFW), Seeeecret Page (Secret)
  • Finished Subpages: Graphic Design (Booru), Cartography (Booru), Redesigns (Booru), Wardrobe (PFFW), Activities (PFFW)

Currently Working on:

  • Subpages: Printables (PFFW),

Update 5-10-24: It Begins

This is the first Blog Entry! I guess you could call this page the Arboretum because it's where the fruits of my labor are shown. That wasn't a good joke. I'll try to keep this updated to document the changes I've made to the site as I go along! (Honestly, I should have made this page first... or at least before the Booru.) Speaking of which, if you want your art featured on the Booru There's a channel on my discord server that you can submit through

New Additions:

  • Switched from Firefox to Pale Moon
  • Recieved Tomes of Coding (AKA old college Webdesign textbooks that were generously loaned by my Crazy Inventor Uncle from New Hamsphire)
  • Finished Landing Pages for: Home Page v.01, Hub Page v.01, Booru V.01, Blog v.01
  • Made art assets: Homepage Art (Homepage), Countercons/Boouru Babes (Booru), Logo (Booru), Logo (Blog), Back Arrows (Sitewide)
  • Finished Subpages: Fi-Fi (Booru), Fanart (Booru)

This wasn't all done in one day, it was more like 3-ish weeks, but this is the day I actually created the Update Blog So you're hearing about it now.

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